10 Easy to Build Survival Shelters That Anyone Can Make: A Beginner’s Guide to Staying Safe Outdoors

Adam Diggity

Easy to Build Survival Shelters

Are you an outdoor enthusiast? Do you love exploring the wilderness? Then, you know that getting lost without a shelter can be a nightmare. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced adventurer, building a survival shelter is one of the most important things you can do to stay safe and comfortable. And the good news is that there are many easy to build survival shelters that anyone can make, even if you’re a beginner.

In this article, we’ll take you through 10 easy-to-build survival shelters that will keep you protected no matter the environment. From the classic lean-to shelter to the advanced snow cave shelter, we’ve got the perfect solution for you. So, sit back, relax, and let’s explore the world of easy-to-build survival shelters together!

Key Takeaways

  • There are many easy-to-build survival shelters that anyone can make, even if you’re a beginner.
  • Understanding the different types of survival shelters is key to building one that will keep you safe and comfortable.
  • From the classic lean-to shelter to the more advanced snow cave shelter, there are many options that will help you stay safe in the wilderness.
Easy to Build Survival Shelters

Easy to Build Survival Shelters : Basics

When it comes to survival situations, finding or building a shelter is one of the most critical tasks. A shelter protects you from the elements, keeps you warm, and can help you conserve energy.

There are many different types of survival shelters, and the type you build will depend on your situation. When building a shelter, some factors include the weather, terrain, available materials, and your skill level.

Here are some key points to keep in mind when building a survival shelter:


Choosing the right location for your shelter is crucial. Look for a dry spot, level, and protected from the wind. Avoid areas that are prone to flooding or landslides.


The materials you use to build your shelter will depend on what is available in your environment. Look for natural materials like branches, leaves, and grass. You can also use man-made materials like tarps or blankets.


There are many different designs for survival shelters, and the one you choose will depend on your situation. Some common designs include lean-tos, debris huts, and A-frame shelters.


Your shelter should be large enough to accommodate you and any other people or animals you are with. However, it should also be small enough to retain heat and conserve energy.


Building a fire inside your shelter can help keep you warm but can also be dangerous. Make sure you have proper ventilation and use caution when building a fire inside your shelter.

Remember, building a survival shelter can be a challenging task, but it is also a critical one. Understanding the key factors involved in building a shelter can increase your chances of staying safe and comfortable in a survival situation.

The Lean-To Shelter

A lean-to shelter is one of the easiest and most basic types of shelter you can build in the wilderness. It’s a simple shelter that can be constructed with minimal tools and materials, making it an ideal choice for anyone who needs to build a shelter quickly.

To build a lean-to shelter, you will need to find a sturdy tree or other support structure to serve as the backbone of your shelter. Once you have found a suitable location, you can start gathering materials for your shelter. Some good materials for a lean-to shelter include branches, leaves, grass, and other natural materials.

To construct your lean-to shelter, start by leaning branches against the support structure to create a sloping roof. You can then layer additional branches or other materials on top of the roof to create a more substantial shelter. Be sure to leave an opening at the front of the shelter so that you can easily get in and out.

One advantage of a lean-to shelter is that it can be easily modified to suit your needs. For example, you can add additional layers of materials to the roof to create a more insulated shelter, or you can add walls to the sides of the shelter to create a more enclosed space.

Overall, a lean-to shelter is a great option for anyone who needs to build a shelter quickly and with minimal materials. With some effort, you can construct a sturdy and reliable shelter that will keep you safe and protected from the elements.

The A-Frame Shelter

If you are looking for a simple and effective survival shelter, then the A-frame shelter is a great option. This type of shelter is easy to build and provides excellent protection from the elements. Here are the steps to build an A-frame shelter:

  1. Find two trees that are about 6-8 feet apart. These trees will serve as the anchor points for your shelter.
  2.  Tie a rope between the two trees at a height of about 5-6 feet.
  3.  Drape a tarp over the rope so that it hangs down on both sides.
  4.  Secure the tarp to the ground using stakes or rocks.
  5.  Use sticks or branches to prop up the sides of the tarp to create an A-frame shape.
  6.  Cover the sides of the shelter with leaves, grass, or other natural materials to insulate it and provide additional protection from the elements.
  7.  Build a fire in front of the shelter to help keep you warm.

The A-frame shelter is a great option for a number of reasons. For one, it is easy to build and requires minimal materials. The A-frame shape is also great for trapping heat and keeping you warm. Finally, the shelter is lightweight and portable, making it easy to move if needed.

Overall, the A-frame shelter is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a simple and effective survival shelter. With just a few materials and some basic skills, you can build a shelter that will keep you warm and dry in even the harshest conditions.

The Debris Hut Shelter

The debris hut shelter is a classic survival shelter that has been used for centuries. It is simple to build and can provide excellent protection from the elements. Here is how to make one:

  1. Find a suitable location: Look for a spot sheltered from the wind and rain. You should also avoid areas that are prone to flooding or landslides.
  2.  Find materials: You will need a lot of materials to build a debris hut shelter. Look for branches, leaves, grass, and other natural materials that you can use.
  3.  Build a frame: Start by building a frame for your shelter. Use long branches to create the basic structure of the shelter.
  4.  Add insulation: Once you have built the frame, you can start adding insulation. Use smaller branches, leaves, and grass to fill in the gaps between the larger branches.
  5.  Add a roof: Once you have added insulation, you can add a roof. Use large branches to create a sloping roof that will shed water.
  6.  Add a door: Finally, add a door to your shelter. Use a piece of bark or a large leaf to create a simple door that you can close to keep out the wind and rain.

Remember that the debris hut shelter is not a permanent shelter. It is designed to be used for a short period of time until you can find a more suitable shelter. However, it can provide excellent protection from the elements and be a lifesaver in emergencies.

The Snow Cave Shelter

A snow cave is an excellent option when building a shelter in the snow. It provides warmth and protection from the harsh winter weather and is relatively easy to build. Here’s how to build a snow cave shelter:

Step 1: Find a Suitable Location

Look for a spot with at least 4-5 feet of snow. The snow should be deep enough to dig into without hitting the ground. Avoid areas with a high risk of avalanches.

Step 2: Dig a Tunnel

Start by digging a tunnel into the snow. The entrance should be small enough to keep the cold air out but big enough for you to crawl through. Once you’ve dug the tunnel, make a small room at the end of it.

Step 3: Create a Sleeping Platform

Use your shovel to level the room floor and create a sleeping platform. This will help keep you off the cold ground.

Step 4: Create Ventilation Holes

Make sure you create ventilation holes in the roof of the snow cave. This will prevent carbon dioxide from building up inside and keep the air fresh.

Step 5: Build Up the Walls

Use your shovel to build up the walls of the snow cave. The walls should be at least 1 foot thick to provide insulation.

Step 6: Smooth Out the Interior

Once you’ve built up the walls, use your shovel to smooth out the interior of the snow cave. This will help prevent drips from melting snow.

Step 7: Add a Door

Finally, add a door to the entrance of the snow cave. You can use a tarp or a cloth to cover the entrance and keep the cold air out.

Remember, building a snow cave shelter requires a significant amount of snow. If you don’t have enough snow, consider making a debris shelter instead. Stay safe and warm in the winter wilderness!

The Quinzhee Shelter

If you are looking for a winter survival shelter that is easy to build and can keep you warm, the Quinzhee shelter is a great option. This dome-shaped snow shelter is similar to an igloo but much easier to construct. You can build it using most types of snowfall, and it can keep you much warmer than a tent when temperatures dip below zero.

To build a Quinzhee shelter, you must start by shoveling snow into a large pile. The number of people needing shelter will help determine the size of the snow pile. For example, a shelter for 2 people may require 10 feet of snow in diameter with a height of 7 feet.

Next, you will need to let the snow pile settle for a few hours or overnight. This will help the snow to compact and become more stable. Once the snow has settled, you can start to hollow out the inside of the pile. You can use a shovel or snow saw to do this.

The walls of the Quinzhee shelter should be about a foot thick and smooth on the inside. You can use a ski pole or a stick to poke a small hole through the wall to create a vent. This will help to prevent condensation from building up inside the shelter.

The Quinzhee shelter is a great option for winter camping or survival situations. Making your shelter from scratch can take 4-5 hours if you work hard and don’t skip steps. Once you have built your shelter, you can use pine boughs or a sleeping pad to create a comfortable sleeping surface.

Remember, if you plan to build a Quinzhee shelter, ensure you have the right tools and equipment, including a shovel, saw, and warm clothing. Also, ensure you have plenty of food and water to keep you hydrated and energized while working.

The Tarp Shelter

A tarp shelter is one of the easiest and most versatile survival shelters you can make. It is lightweight, durable, and easy to set up. You can use a tarp shelter to protect yourself from the elements, whether rain, wind, or sun.

You will need a tarp, some rope or paracord, and a few stakes to build a tarp shelter. The first step is to find a suitable location for your shelter. Look for a flat, dry area with good drainage and no hazards like falling rocks or dead limbs.

Once you have found a good spot, lay your tarp out on the ground. Fold the tarp in half lengthwise, and tie a rope or paracord to each of the four corners. You can use a variety of knots, but the most common is the bowline knot.

Next, tie the ropes to trees or other sturdy objects, ensuring the tarp is taut and secure. If you don’t have any trees or objects nearby, you can use stakes to anchor the tarp to the ground.

To create a door for your tarp shelter, fold one corner of the tarp back and tie it to a tree or stake. This will allow you to enter and exit the shelter easily.

You can also add extra support to your tarp shelter by tying ropes diagonally across the top of the shelter. This will help to prevent the tarp from sagging and provide additional protection from the elements.

Overall, a tarp shelter is a great option for anyone who needs a quick and easy survival shelter. With just a few basic supplies and simple knot-tying skills, you can create a sturdy and reliable shelter that will keep you safe and comfortable in any weather.

The Dugout Shelter

A dugout shelter is one of the oldest types of housing, and it’s an easy-to-build survival shelter that anyone can make. It’s also known as a pit-house or sniper hole. This shelter is dug into the ground, providing natural insulation from the cold and heat. It also makes you invisible to trouble, such as wild animals and other dangers.

To make a dugout shelter, you’ll need to dig a hole in the ground that’s big enough to fit in comfortably. The hole should be deep enough to provide adequate insulation from the elements. Once you’ve dug the hole, you can cover it with branches, leaves, or other natural materials to create a roof. You can also use a tarp or other waterproof material to avoid rain.

Some tips for building a dugout shelter include:

  • Choose a dry location: Make sure the ground is dry and won’t flood during heavy rain.
  •  Avoid rocky areas: Rocks can make digging difficult and cause problems when trying to create a roof.
  •  Use natural materials: Branches, leaves, and other natural materials can be used to create a roof that blends in with the surroundings.
  •  Keep it small: A smaller shelter will be easier to build and maintain.

Overall, a dugout shelter is an easy-to-build survival shelter that protects from the elements and other dangers. You can create a safe and comfortable place to wait out an emergency with little effort.

The Subterranean Shelter

Suppose you’re looking for a shelter that provides ample protection from the elements and offers high security. In that case, a subterranean shelter is an excellent option. As the name suggests, this type of shelter is built underground, which makes it an ideal choice for those who want to remain hidden from view.

To build an underground shelter, you must dig a hole in the ground large enough to accommodate your body. The depth of the hole will depend on your height, but a depth of around six feet should be sufficient for most people. You can use a shovel or other digging tool to excavate the hole.

Once you’ve dug the hole, you’ll need to reinforce the walls and ceiling to prevent them from collapsing. You can use wooden planks or branches to create a frame for the shelter and then cover the structure with dirt or other natural materials. This will help to insulate the shelter and keep it warm.

To enter the shelter, you’ll need to dig a small tunnel that leads down to the main chamber. This tunnel should be narrow enough to be covered with a trapdoor or camouflage. This will help to keep the shelter hidden from view and prevent unwanted visitors from discovering it.

One of the advantages of a subterranean shelter is that it can be used in various environments. Whether in a forest, desert, or other terrain, you can dig a shelter that will provide you with protection and security.

Overall, a subterranean shelter is a great option for those who want to remain hidden and protected in a survival situation. With a little effort and ingenuity, you can build a shelter that will keep you safe and comfortable no matter the circumstances.

The Tree Pit Shelter

If you find yourself in a snowy environment and need a quick shelter, the tree pit shelter might be your best bet. As the name suggests, this shelter is built in a pit dug around the base of a tree. The tree provides a natural roof and windbreak, making it an excellent choice for harsh weather conditions.

How to Build a Tree Pit Shelter

Here are the steps to follow to build a tree pit shelter:

  1. Find a suitable tree: Look for a tree with a wide trunk and low branches. The tree should be sturdy enough to support the weight of the snow.
  2.  Dig a pit: Dig a pit around the base of the tree that is deep enough to sit comfortably. The hole should be wide enough to accommodate your body.
  3.  Create a roof: Use branches or logs to create a roof over the pit. The roof should be sloped to allow snow to slide off.
  4.  Insulate the shelter: Line the pit floor with evergreen boughs or other natural materials to create insulation.
  5.  Cover the shelter: Use a tarp or other waterproof material to cover the shelter. Secure the tarp in place with rocks or other heavy objects.

Tips for Building a Tree Pit Shelter

  • Choose a tree with low-hanging branches to make it easier to construct the shelter.
  •  Make sure the shelter is deep enough to sit in comfortably.
  •  Use evergreen boughs or other natural materials to insulate the shelter.
  •  Cover the shelter with a waterproof material to keep out the elements.
  •  Build a fire outside the shelter to provide warmth and light.
  •  Always be mindful of the weight of the snow on the tree and shelter. If the snow becomes too heavy, it could collapse the shelter.

The tree pit shelter is a simple and effective way to stay warm and dry in snowy conditions. With a little bit of effort, you can create a cozy shelter that will protect you from the elements.

The Leaf Hut Shelter

If you’re in a survival situation and need a quick shelter, the leaf hut shelter is an excellent option. It’s easy to build and requires no tools or rope to construct. All you need are sticks and leaves.

To build a leaf hut shelter, find a spot with enough space to lie down comfortably. Then, gather sticks and branches that are strong enough to support the weight of the leaves.

Once you have enough sticks, lean them against a central pole to form the shelter’s frame. Make sure to leave enough space for you to crawl inside.

Next, pile leaves on top of the frame until the shelter is completely covered. The leaves will provide insulation and keep you warm throughout the night.

Finally, crawl inside the shelter and use more leaves to cover the entrance. This will help trap your body heat inside and keep you warm.

Remember, the leaf hut shelter is not a long-term solution but an excellent option for a quick and easy shelter. It’s also important to note that this shelter is not waterproof, so it’s best to use it in dry weather conditions.

Easy and quick to buildNot waterproof
Requires no tools or ropeOnly suitable for short-term use
Provides good insulationRequires a lot of leaves
Can be built with natural materialsNot very sturdy


Congratulations on learning about 10 easy-to-build survival shelters that can save your life in an emergency situation. Remember, building a survival shelter is essential for anyone who spends time outdoors. When constructing a shelter, consider your environment and choose a design that suits your situation.

Gather all the necessary materials and tools before building, and take your time to ensure your shelter is sturdy and secure. Test your shelter by spending a night in it before you need it in an emergency. But building a shelter is just one part of surviving in the wilderness. You also need to know how to find food, water, and other resources, and signal for help if needed. With the right knowledge and skills, you can enjoy the great outdoors and stay safe at the same time. So, keep exploring and learning, and never forget the importance of being prepared for the unexpected.

About Adam Diggity

I'm Adam Diggity, a dedicated expert in survival, outdoor adventures, and bushcraft. With over 10 years of hands-on experience, I've mastered the art of navigating nature's challenges and am passionate about sharing my knowledge with fellow enthusiasts. My journey has taught me the intricacies of the wild, and I'm always eager to explore more. Contact me at adam@apexsurvivor.com for assistance.

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