Creating a Scout Wilderness Survival Kit for the Outdoors

Adam Diggity

scout wilderness survival kit

To navigate the wild, equip yourself with a scout wilderness survival kit. Discover what makes up this crucial gear as we delve into what a scout wilderness survival kit entails. Understand the significance of having a reliable survival kit, ensuring your preparedness for any wilderness adventure.

scout wilderness survival kit

What is a scout wilderness survival kit?

Once upon a time, there was a scout named Jake who found himself lost in the wild. He had a carefully curated survival kit with essential items for the wilderness. This kit served as a lifeline for Jake, helping him to navigate safely. It included non-perishable food, water purification tools, shelter materials, navigational tools, fire-starting essentials, first aid supplies, and multi-purpose tools.

The kit enabled Jake to sustain himself until help arrived. He was able to set up shelter, start a fire for warmth and cook food. With the help of signaling equipment in the kit, rescuers located Jake. He returned home with newfound gratitude for the importance of being equipped with a scout wilderness survival kit. Having such a kit is like having insurance – it protects you in unpredictable situations.

Components of a scout wilderness survival kit

To ensure you are well-equipped for the wilderness, arm yourself with the components of a scout wilderness survival kit. With shelter and sleeping gear, fire starting tools, food and water supplies, navigation and communication devices, and a first aid kit, you’ll be ready for any adventure that comes your way.

outdoor survival gear

Shelter and Sleeping Gear

When it comes to surviving in the wild, having proper shelter and sleeping gear is essential. Here are four key components to include:

  1. A sturdy tent or tarp: Protect yourself from elements. Shield from rain, wind, and heat.
  2. Sleeping bag or sleeping pad: Insulation from ground, regulate body temperature.
  3. Fire-starting equipment: For emergencies or extreme weather. Waterproof matches, lighter for warmth & cooking.
  4. Groundsheet or footprint: Protect floor from rocks, sticks, moisture.

Lightweight & compact is preferred for backpacking. Test your gear before heading out. Pro Tip: Look for natural windbreaks like trees for added protection. Don’t underestimate the power of a tent or tarp – they’re like a ‘safe space’ from bugs, weather, and being lost.

Tent or Tarp

A tent or tarp is a crucial part of a scout’s wilderness survival kit. It offers protection from the elements and a place to rest.

camping essentials

Tents and tarps have different benefits:

  • Type: Tent
  • Description: Portable structure made of fabric and poles
  • Benefit: Insulation, privacy, and protection from insects
  • Type: Tarp
  • Description: Large sheet of waterproof material
  • Benefit: Lightweight, easy to set up, and flexible

Tents come in various sizes and shapes. In fact, the oldest known tent is 40,000 years old and was found in Moldova!

By adding a tent or tarp to their wilderness survival kit, scouts ensure they have a safe shelter for their adventures. Plus, a sleeping bag or bivy sack is like a warm hug!

Sleeping bag or bivy sack

survival tools

A sleeping bag or bivy sack is a must-have for any scout wilderness survival kit. Here’s why:

  • Protection from the elements: It will keep you warm and dry in cold temperatures, rain, and wind.
  • Comfortable rest: Quality sleep is essential for energy restoration on outdoor adventures.
  • Compact and lightweight: Modern designs take up minimal space in a backpack.
  • Versatility: Bivy sacks can serve as an emergency shelter or an added protection layer.

Invest in a 4-season sleeping bag with waterproof material and heat retention technology. Plus, place a closed-cell foam pad beneath your sleeping bag for extra warmth.

Groundsheet or sleeping pad

emergency preparedness kit

A scout’s wilderness survival kit is not complete without a reliable groundsheet or sleeping pad. These must-have items provide insulation and protection from the cold, damp ground for a cozy night’s sleep in any terrain.

Groundsheets are usually made of tough, waterproof materials like nylon or polyethylene, to keep out moisture and keep your sleeping bag dry. Sleeping pads provide cushioning and support for comfort, and come in many designs including self-inflating pads.

Both are lightweight and compact, so they won’t take up much space in your kit. Plus, they add an extra layer of insulation, helping you stay warmer at night. Groundsheets can even be a makeshift shelter or protector against rain if you set them up properly.

Fire Starting Tools

wilderness survival equipment

Fire-starting tools have been used for thousands of years. Evidence of controlled use of fire dates back to 1.5 million years ago. It was found in South Africa’s Wonderwerk Cave.

Scouts often include additional options like DIY fire starters with char cloth or magnesium shavings. These may be useful when traditional methods don’t work.

In the wilderness, a waterproof match or lighter is essential. Don’t count on starting a fire with two sticks – it only works in the movies!

Waterproof matches or lighters

Waterproof matches or lighters are essential for scout wilderness survival kits. They can help you start a fire, stay warm, cook food, and even signal for help in an emergency. Here are some points to consider when using them:

  • Reliability: Choose something dependable that can handle tough conditions.
  • Waterproof: Pick waterproof options, so they’ll still work in wet environments.
  • Durability: Get matches or lighters that won’t break or get damaged outdoors.
  • Portability: Select compact and light, so you can carry them in your backpack or pocket.
  • Longevity: Choose ones with long lifespans, so you have a continuous source of fire.
  • Safety features: Look for safety mechanisms like child-resistant designs and adjustable flames.

Some lighters come with extra features like built-in flashlights, compasses, and whistles. These can be useful for navigation or getting attention.

To make sure your matches or lighters stay safe and ready, store them in a sealed plastic bag in your survival kit.

Firestarter (flint and steel, magnesium rod, etc.)

hiking gear

A firestarter is a must-have for any scout wilderness survival kit. Options include flint and steel, magnesium rods, bow drills, and fire paste.

Flint and steel create sparks when struck together that can light dry tinder.

Magnesium rods spark when scraped against flint and can even ignite wet tinder.

Bow drills require a wooden bow, string, spindle, and fireboard to generate a flame.

Fire paste is a pre-made, highly flammable option for quick fire starting.

Practice using these tools before going out, and make sure there’s enough dry tinder ready. Firestarters won’t always work, so it’s smart to know shelter building and material gathering for sustainable fires in different environments.

survival supplies

Tinder or fire accelerant

Tinder or fire accelerant is a must-have for a scout wilderness survival kit. It helps to quickly start a fire, keeping you warm and safe in emergencies. Here’s what you need:

  1. Organic materials like bark, dry grass, leaves and twigs as tinder.
  2. Commercial fire starters like cotton balls covered in petroleum jelly or wax.
  3. Waterproof matches or a butane lighter for ignition.
  4. Ferrocerium rods to create sparks with a metal edge.

Having these components in your kit ensures you can start a fire no matter what. Practicing and knowing how to build a fire is key to success.

Food and Water Supplies

Food and water are key to a scout’s wilderness survival kit. These supplies ensure they stay nourished and hydrated in difficult outdoor conditions. Scouts must bring enough food and water to meet their basic needs during their expeditions.

camping gear

Let’s take a look at what a well-prepared scout might include. Here’s a list of some of the essentials:

Non-perishable food7 meals
Water bottles3 liters
Portable stove1
Cooking utensilsSet

Non-perishable food is a good source of nutrition, like energy bars or dehydrated meals. Water bottles are needed for hydration, with 2 liters a day a must for adults. A portable stove and cooking utensils let scouts cook hot meals for fuel.

The quality and nutritional value of food is important. Include high-protein, carb, fat, vitamin, and mineral foods to maintain energy and physical strength.

Carrying food for survival is nothing new. Ancient explorers like Alexander the Great brought dried meat, nuts, and dried fruits to sustain themselves in uncertain conditions.

Portable water filter or purification tablets

A Portable Water Filter or Purification Tablets are a must-have for any scout’s wilderness survival kit. They’re lightweight and compact, and remove bacteria, protozoa, and other contaminants from untreated water sources. Purification tablets are also an option, containing chemicals that kill bacteria and viruses. Maintenance is minimal and they can be reused for continuous supply of clean drinking water. Choose the one that meets your needs and never compromise on safety.

wilderness survival essentials

Also, don’t forget to bring lightweight cooking utensils for some yummy campfire meals, and label it ‘Better than mom’s kitchen!

Lightweight cooking utensils

Lightweight cooking utensils are must-haves for a scout wilderness survival kit. They make it simple to cook meals in even the toughest outdoor conditions. Here are the top 3 points about lightweight cooking utensils:

outdoor adventure gear
  1. Versatility: These utensils can do multiple things. From cooking in pots and pans to serving in lightweight plates and bowls, they offer lots of uses.
  2. Portability: As the name suggests, these utensils are built to be carried easily. They’re made from strong yet lightweight materials, perfect for backpacking.
  3. Efficient Design: Unlike traditional kitchen utensils, lightweight cooking utensils are foldable or collapsible. This lets them fit in a small space. Plus, their design ensures fast cooking and even heat distribution.

Plus, these utensils come with comfy handles, making meal prep easier in tough circumstances. When selecting utensils for your wilderness survival kit, think about durability, weight, versatility, and cleaning. Get quality utensils for the best camping experience.

Add lightweight cooking utensils to your scout wilderness survival kit! And when it comes to non-perishable food, choose flavor over the possibility of existential despair.

Non-perishable food items (energy bars, dehydrated meals, etc.)

Non-perishables are a must for wilderness survival kits! Energy bars, dehydrated meals, and portable snacks provide sustenance and convenience. Trail mix, jerky, and granola bars offer nutrition on-the-go. Specialty dietary options, such as gluten-free, vegetarian, or vegan, are also available. Plus, non-perishables have a longer shelf life than perishable items. Don’t forget to pack enough food for the duration of your adventure!

outdoor survival supplies

GPS – Global Positioning System helps scouts pinpoint their location via satellite signals. So, they can get around without going astray.

Compass – Using magnetic fields, a compass tells direction. It’s useful when electronic devices fail or run out of power.

Map – A map reveals details about the area such as trails, landmarks, and terrain. It can be a reliable alternative when other devices are unavailable.

Two-Way Radios – To communicate in the wild, two-way radios are essential. They help coordinate and respond to emergencies.

Signal Flares – In urgent situations, signal flares are life-savers. They send bright lights or smoke to draw attention from far away.

Portable Weather Radio – Portable weather radio keeps scouts informed about the weather, so they can take precautionary measures.

These navigation and communication tools have been aiding wild expeditions for a long time. Their improvement has contributed to the safety of scouts.

No matter which device you choose, remember: Google Maps is smarter than you in the wild.

Compass or GPS device

Compasses and GPS devices are essential for a scout’s wilderness survival kit. They provide navigation aids for adventurers in unknown terrains. Here are four points to consider their importance:

  • Reliable Navigation: A compass or GPS is key for accurate orientation, allowing scouts to determine their position and explore unfamiliar landscapes.
  • Emergency Preparedness: In case of emergency or being lost, the device can be used to signal for help and provide rescuers with exact coordinates.
  • All-Weather Dependability: Compasses are not affected by weather or infrastructure failures, ensuring reliable functionality even in remote regions.
  • Skills Development: Using a compass instead of only GPS improves map-reading, spatial awareness, and problem-solving abilities.

These tools offer unique features too. Scouts can orient themselves using natural landmarks or celestial bodies such as the sun and stars in the event of technological failure.

survival equipment

Map of the area

A map is a must-have for a scout wilderness survival kit. It’s essential for navigating and keeping the scouts safe, with information on topography, landmarks, and water sources.

Let’s take a look at the components of the map and how they help with wilderness survival. Here’s a list:

Column 1Column 2Column 3
TopographyLandmarksWater Sources
Elevation levelsMountainsRivers
SlopesRock formationsLakes

The map not only shows geographical features, but also includes elevation levels. Landmarks like mountains and formations serve as markers. And water sources like rivers and lakes are essential for hydration and resource gathering.

It’s also important to choose a good-quality map that’s waterproof and easy to fold. A compass is also recommended to improve navigation accuracy.

Pro Tip: Learn how to read maps before going into the wilderness. Knowing how to read contour lines and symbols will help you navigate better.

First Aid Kit

backpacking essentials

When it comes to wilderness survival, a well-equipped first aid kit is a must. Here’s a quick look at the components:

  • Band-Aids for small cuts and scrapes
  • Antiseptic wipes to clean wounds
  • Gauze pads for larger wounds
  • Adhesive tape to secure bandages
  • Tweezers to remove splinters
  • Scissors to cut things
  • Disposable gloves to protect against bloodborne pathogens
  • Pain reliever
  • Anti-allergy medication

Wilderness-specific items should also be included. Emergency whistle, signal mirror, space blanket – these are all great for rescue attempts in remote locations.

Bandages, gauze, and adhesive tape – they’re like Mother Nature’s band-aids!

Bandages, gauze, and adhesive tape

Bandages, gauze and adhesive tape are must-haves for a scout wilderness survival kit. They play a key role in treating wounds and keeping people safe in isolated, unpredictable places. Here are four points to remember:

  • Bandages: Cover and protect injuries from dirt and bacteria. They also support hurt limbs and stop further harm.
  • Gauze: Use as a sterile covering for larger wounds. They absorb blood and other fluids, speeding up healing and avoiding contamination.
  • Adhesive Tape: Secure bandages and gauze in place. Keep dressings intact during activity or when exposed to water or weather.
  • Compatibility: Choose bandages, gauze and tape that work with different kinds of injuries. Have different sizes available for different wound sizes.
wilderness survival gear

It’s also important to learn wound management skills. Bandages, gauze and tape are essential for survival in the wild. Having these ready can make a huge difference if someone gets hurt. Don’t wait – get these supplies to keep safe in nature. Antiseptic wipes or ointment too – stay smelling like civilization when help arrives!

Antiseptic wipes or ointment

Antiseptic wipes or ointment are a must-have in a scout’s wilderness survival kit. They have many uses and are vital for keeping clean in the outdoors.

  • Wipes or ointment clean wounds and stop infection.
  • They remove dirt, debris, and bacteria from scrapes, cuts, and burns.
  • These products can kill germs and reduce future complications.
  • Use antiseptics to quickly disinfect camping utensils or gear.
  • Carry them for personal hygiene on longer trips.
  • Antiseptics help healing and avoid problems from untreated wounds in remote areas.

It’s also important to store antiseptic wipes or ointment properly. Keep them in airtight containers, away from extreme temperatures, to keep them working.

Pro Tip: Pack multiple packs of wipes or tubes of ointment for your wilderness expedition. Don’t bother with painkillers and allergy meds – just tough it out!

survival supplies for scouts

Tips for choosing a scout wilderness survival kit

To help you choose the perfect scout wilderness survival kit, we present tips for selecting the ideal gear. Considerations when selecting a kit will be explored, providing you with valuable insights into making a well-informed decision.

Considerations when selecting a kit

When selecting a scout wilderness survival kit, there are key considerations to bear in mind. Make sure it’s lightweight and compact. It should include essentials like fire starters, shelter, water purification, navigation tools, first aid and food. Pick high-quality materials that are durable and versatile – customize it to your needs. Look out for additional factors, too. Don’t forget: your safety depends on having the right kit. So choose wisely – be ready for anything nature throws at you! And don’t worry about my ex – he still hasn’t returned my kit from our last breakup.

Durability and quality of the components

Durability and quality are must-haves when selecting a scout wilderness survival kit. The parts must be hardy and dependable in emergencies. Here’s a breakdown of durability and quality of the components:

KnifeStainless steel blade for long-lasting sharpnessErgonomic handle for a secure grip
FirestarterWaterproof design for use in any weather conditionsHigh-quality flint for maximum sparks
ShelterRipstop nylon material for tear resistanceReinforced seams for added durability
Water filterBPA-free construction for safe drinking waterFiltration technology that removes harmful contaminants

Also, pay attention to details like weight. Lightweight materials can make a big difference when carrying the kit long distances.

outdoor gear

Size and weight for portability

A scout wilderness survival kit should be compact and lightweight. Three key points to remember when selecting one: size, weight, and organization.

Size: Look for a kit that fits easily in your backpack or pocket.

Weight: Choose a lightweight kit that won’t add extra burden.

Organization: Get a well-designed kit with compartments or pockets for efficient storage.

Also, prioritize multi-purpose items, such as a knife that doubles as a saw or bottle opener. Consider the terrain and conditions you might encounter. Pick waterproof materials for wet weather. And be mindful of the durability of the components – opt for sturdy materials that can withstand outdoor conditions.

hiking essentials

To make an informed selection:

  1. Research customer reviews and expert opinions on different kits.
  2. Prioritize lightweight materials like carbon fiber or high-quality plastic components.
  3. Look for collapsible or foldable features for maximum portability.

With a compact and lightweight kit, you’ll have the necessary tools without extra weight. Enjoy a successful adventure in the great outdoors!

Price range and budget

Analyze the cost and budget for your scout wilderness survival kit by considering these factors. Create a table to compare different kits’ prices and features.

Survival KitPrice Range
Basic Kit$20 – $50
Mid-Range Kit$50 – $100
Premium Kit$100+

Apart from price, analyze the materials’ quality, durability, and included items too. Don’t assume that a higher price guarantees better quality. Invest in a high-quality wilderness survival kit. It can make a huge difference in emergency situations. At the end of the day, a well-chosen kit can be the difference between success and a joke.

About Adam Diggity

I'm Adam Diggity, a dedicated expert in survival, outdoor adventures, and bushcraft. With over 10 years of hands-on experience, I've mastered the art of navigating nature's challenges and am passionate about sharing my knowledge with fellow enthusiasts. My journey has taught me the intricacies of the wild, and I'm always eager to explore more. Contact me at for assistance.