Military Wilderness Survival Training: Essential Skills for Surviving in the Wild

Adam Diggity

Military Wilderness Survival Training

Picture this: you’re stranded in the middle of nowhere – no food, no water, no shelter. The sun is beating down on you, and the only thing you have to rely on is your own survival instincts. For military personnel, this scenario is not just a hypothetical situation – it’s a reality they face every day. That’s why military wilderness survival training is essential for those who serve our country. In this blog post, we’ll explore the essential skills and techniques taught in military survival training programs, including shelter building, water procurement, fire starting, navigation, signaling, and food procurement. Whether you’re a military personnel or an outdoor enthusiast, these skills are crucial for surviving in the wild. So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets of military survival training!

Military Wilderness Survival Training

Key Takeaways

  • Military wilderness survival training is a specialized program designed to prepare military personnel for survival scenarios that could occur in hostile environments.
  • Survival courses and workshops are conducted by experienced instructors who have extensive knowledge of survival techniques and are trained to teach others.
  • Military survival training programs are usually conducted in remote locations, where participants are exposed to harsh weather conditions, limited resources, and other challenges that they may face in real-life survival situations.

Understanding Wilderness Survival

Military Wilderness Survival Training is designed to teach you how to survive in the wilderness with limited resources. It is important to understand that survival is not just about having the right gear, but also about having the right mindset and skills. Here are some key concepts to keep in mind:

Survival Mindset

The first step to surviving in the wilderness is to have the right mindset. This means being mentally prepared for the challenges that you may face. You must be able to stay calm and focused in the face of adversity. This requires mental toughness and resilience. Remember, your attitude can be the difference between life and death.

Survival Mindset

Basic Survival Skills

In addition to having the right mindset, you must also have basic survival skills. These include:

  • Shelter building
  • Fire starting
  • Water procurement and purification
  • Navigation
  • First aid

These skills will allow you to provide for your basic needs and increase your chances of survival.

Wilderness Survival Skills

In addition to basic survival skills, you must also have wilderness survival skills. These skills include:

  • Hunting and trapping
  • Fishing
  • Foraging for wild edibles
  • Building tools and weapons
  • Primitive shelter building

These skills are more advanced and require more practice and experience. However, they can greatly increase your chances of survival in the wilderness.

Survival Gear

While having the right mindset and skills is important, having the right gear can also be a lifesaver. Some essential items to include in your survival kit are:

  • Knife
  • Firestarter
  • Water filter or purification tablets
  • Emergency shelter
  • First aid kit
  • Compass and map

Remember, your gear should be lightweight and portable, and you should know how to use it before you need it.


In summary, surviving in the wilderness requires the right mindset, basic survival skills, wilderness survival skills, and the right gear. By understanding these concepts and practicing them regularly, you can greatly increase your chances of survival in the wilderness.

Military Survival Training Programs

If you’re a member of the U.S. military, you know how important it is to be prepared for anything. That’s why the military offers a variety of survival training programs to help you survive in the wilderness or other hostile environments.

One such program is the Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) program. This program is designed to teach military personnel how to survive in a variety of situations, including being stranded in the wilderness or behind enemy lines. SERE training is available to all branches of the military and is required for certain positions, such as pilots and special operations forces.

The Army also offers survival training programs to its soldiers. The Army’s survival training program is designed to teach soldiers how to survive in a variety of environments, including the arctic, desert, jungle, and mountainous terrain. The training covers topics such as shelter building, fire starting, water procurement, and food gathering.

The Navy SEALs, Rangers, Marines, and Green Berets all have their own survival training programs as well. These programs are designed to teach special operations forces how to survive in extreme environments and situations. The training is intense and covers everything from basic survival skills to advanced tactics and techniques.

Navy Seals

Even the FBI has a survival training program for its agents. The FBI’s program is designed to teach agents how to survive in a variety of situations, including natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and other emergencies. The training covers topics such as self-defense, first aid, and survival skills.

If you’re interested in becoming a SERE specialist, you’ll need to complete the SERE Specialist Training course. This five-and-a-half-month program is designed to teach future survival instructors how to instruct aircrew members to survive in a broad variety of training environments.

Overall, the U.S. military offers a wide range of survival training programs to help military personnel survive in a variety of situations. These programs are rigorous and intense, but they provide the knowledge and skills necessary to survive in even the most hostile environments.

Survival Skills and Techniques

When it comes to military wilderness survival training, there are several skills and techniques that are essential to learn. These skills can help you navigate through the wilderness, procure food and water, build shelter, start a fire, and survive in cold weather conditions. Here are some of the most important skills you need to master:

Land Navigation

Land Navigation

Land navigation is a critical skill that you must learn if you want to survive in the wilderness. You need to know how to read a map and use a compass to navigate through unfamiliar terrain. You also need to know how to use the terrain to your advantage, such as using the sun to determine direction during the day and the stars at night. In addition to basic land navigation, advanced wilderness survival training will teach you how to navigate through difficult terrain, such as mountains or dense forests.

Food and Water Procurement

Procuring food and water is essential to your survival in the wilderness. You need to know how to identify edible plants and animals, how to trap and hunt, and how to filter and purify water. In addition, you need to know how to store food and water to keep it from spoiling.

Shelter Building

Building a shelter is critical to your survival in the wilderness. You need to know how to build a shelter using natural materials, such as branches, leaves, and grass. You also need to know how to choose a good location for your shelter, such as a dry and protected area.

Shelter Building Guide

Fire Craft

Starting a fire is essential to your survival in the wilderness. You need to know how to build a fire using friction, such as rubbing two sticks together. You also need to know how to build a fire using other methods, such as a fire starter or matches. In addition, you need to know how to maintain a fire and use it for cooking and warmth.

Cold Weather Survival

Surviving in cold weather conditions is a challenge that requires special skills. You need to know how to dress in layers to stay warm, how to build a shelter that can protect you from the cold, and how to start a fire to keep warm. You also need to know how to find and melt snow for water, and how to avoid hypothermia and frostbite.

By mastering these skills and techniques, you can increase your chances of surviving in the wilderness. With basic wilderness survival training, you can learn the fundamentals of survival, while advanced wilderness survival training can teach you more advanced skills and techniques, such as evasion and escape, field craft, and the use of survival tools.

Survival Courses and Workshops

Survival Workshop

If you’re interested in learning military wilderness survival skills, there are a variety of survival courses and workshops available to you. These courses are designed to provide in-depth coverage of the skills needed to adapt to and survive in remote wilderness regions throughout North America.

Some courses emphasize survival psychology and survival priorities, while others focus on hands-on practice with a multitude of both primitive and modern survival skills. Many courses are taught by experienced military personnel or wilderness experts, and offer a mix of classroom instruction and field exercises.

Long-term survival courses are also available for those who want to learn how to survive in the wilderness for extended periods of time. These courses typically cover topics like food and water procurement, shelter building, and fire starting, among others.

Wilderness survival courses are a great way to gain the skills and knowledge needed to survive in the wilderness. Some popular courses and workshops include:

  • U.S. School of Survival: Offers public and private survival and medical training programs in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and the Sonoran Desert. Expect to be fully immersed in a wilderness environment, learning and applying the skills outlined in their courses.
  • Ancient Pathways: Offers wilderness survival courses designed to provide in-depth coverage of the skills needed to adapt to and survive in remote wilderness regions throughout North America. All of their courses emphasize survival psychology, survival priorities, and hands-on practice with a multitude of both primitive and modern survival skills.
  • LifeSong Adventures: Offers government military courses for outdoor survival training. Choose them to train your team for overnight remote primitive environments. Survival skills build confidence, resilience, and a can-do attitude. When faced with limited resources and cold weather overnight emergencies, you need the right knowledge and skills to respond quickly and appropriately.

These are just a few examples of the many survival courses and workshops available to those interested in military wilderness survival training. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced outdoorsman, there’s a course out there that’s right for you.

Survival Equipment and Supplies

When it comes to military wilderness survival training, having the right equipment and supplies can make all the difference. In this section, we’ll go over some of the essential items you should consider bringing with you on any wilderness survival expedition.

Survival Equipment and Supplies


One of the most important things you’ll need is a good supply of water. You can’t survive more than a few days without it, so make sure you have a way to purify water from natural sources like streams or lakes. You may also want to bring along a water filter or water purification tablets as a backup.

Another essential item is a first aid kit. You never know when you might get injured, so it’s best to be prepared. Your kit should include items like bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any prescription medications you need.

Survival Kits

A well-stocked survival kit can be a lifesaver in an emergency situation. Your kit should include items like:

  • A sturdy knife or multi-tool
  • Fire-starting materials like waterproof matches or a firestarter
  • Shelter materials like a tarp or emergency blanket
  • Navigation tools like a compass or map

Your survival kit should be tailored to your specific needs and the environment you’ll be in. Consider factors like climate, terrain, and the length of your expedition when putting together your kit.


If you’re planning on hunting for food during your wilderness survival training, you’ll need to bring along the right ammunition. Make sure you have enough rounds for your firearm and that you’re familiar with how to use it safely and effectively.

Remember, the goal of wilderness survival training is to learn how to survive with minimal supplies and equipment. That being said, having the right gear can make things much easier and increase your chances of making it through an emergency situation.

Wilderness Medicine and Health

Wilderness Medicine Training

When you’re out in the wilderness, it’s important to be prepared for any medical emergencies that may arise. That’s why wilderness medicine is an essential component of military wilderness survival training. Here are some key things to keep in mind:

Wilderness Medicine Training

Wilderness medicine training is designed to teach you how to provide medical care in remote areas where access to medical facilities is limited. This type of training is particularly important for military personnel who may be deployed to remote locations where medical care is not readily available.

During wilderness medicine training, you’ll learn how to assess and treat a variety of medical conditions, including hypothermia, dehydration, and altitude sickness. You’ll also learn how to provide basic first aid, such as treating cuts, burns, and sprains.


Hypothermia is a serious condition that can occur when your body temperature drops below normal due to exposure to cold temperatures. Symptoms of hypothermia include shivering, confusion, and loss of coordination.

To prevent hypothermia, it’s important to dress in warm layers and stay dry. If you or someone in your group shows signs of hypothermia, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately.

EMT Training

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) training is another important component of wilderness medicine training. EMTs are trained to provide advanced medical care in emergency situations, such as car accidents or heart attacks.

During EMT training, you’ll learn how to assess and treat a wide range of medical conditions, including trauma, cardiac arrest, and respiratory distress. You’ll also learn how to use advanced medical equipment, such as defibrillators and airway management devices.


In conclusion, wilderness medicine is an essential component of military wilderness survival training. By learning how to provide medical care in remote areas, you’ll be better prepared to handle medical emergencies that may arise during your deployment. Remember to stay warm and dry to prevent hypothermia, and seek medical attention immediately if you or someone in your group shows signs of a medical emergency.

Survival in Different Environments

Survival in Different Environments

When it comes to military wilderness survival training, it’s important to be prepared for any situation that may arise. Survival in different environments requires different skills and knowledge. Here are some sub-sections to consider:

Field Survival

Field survival is all about being prepared for the unexpected. You never know when you may find yourself stranded in the middle of nowhere, so it’s important to have the skills necessary to survive. Field survival training typically covers topics such as shelter building, fire starting, and water procurement. You’ll learn how to use natural resources to your advantage and how to make the most of what you have available.

Backcountry Emergencies

Backcountry emergencies can happen to anyone, even the most experienced hikers and campers. It’s important to be prepared for any situation that may arise. Backcountry emergency training typically covers topics such as first aid, navigation, and communication. You’ll learn how to treat injuries, how to navigate in the wilderness, and how to communicate with rescue personnel.

Survival Behind Enemy Lines

Survival behind enemy lines is a completely different ballgame. In this situation, you may be faced with more than just survival skills. Resistance, evasion, and escape techniques are often taught in this type of training. You’ll learn how to avoid detection, how to escape from captivity, and how to survive in hostile environments.

No matter what type of survival training you undergo, it’s important to always be aware of your surroundings and to be prepared for any situation that may arise. With the right skills and knowledge, you can increase your chances of survival in any environment.

Bushcraft and Primitive Skills

Bushcraft and Primitive Skills

When it comes to military wilderness survival training, bushcraft and primitive skills are essential. These skills are about learning how to live off the land, using resources that nature provides to sustain yourself. Bushcraft involves using traditional skills and techniques to survive in the wild, while primitive skills focus on using only natural materials and resources.

One of the most important skills in bushcraft is fire-making. Knowing how to start a fire can mean the difference between life and death in the wilderness. You can use a variety of techniques to start a fire, including using a fire starter kit, a bow drill, or flint and steel. Once you have a fire going, you can use it for warmth, cooking, and even signaling for help.

Another important skill is shelter-building. In the wilderness, you may not have access to a tent or other shelter, so you’ll need to know how to build your own. You can use materials like branches, leaves, and grass to construct a shelter that will protect you from the elements.

Primitive skills involve using only natural materials to survive. For example, you can use bark to make cordage, which can be used to tie things together or make a shelter. You can also use a variety of plants for food and medicine, such as cattails, pine needles, and birch bark.

Mountaineering skills are also important in military wilderness survival training. These skills involve climbing and navigating in mountainous terrain. You’ll need to know how to use ropes, harnesses, and other equipment to safely climb steep slopes and cliffs. You’ll also need to know how to navigate using a map and compass, as well as how to read the terrain and weather conditions.

Overall, bushcraft, primitive skills, and mountaineering are essential skills for military wilderness survival training. By learning these skills, you’ll be better equipped to survive in the wild and overcome any challenges that come your way.

Instructors and Teachers

Military Survival Skills Instructor

When it comes to Military Wilderness Survival Training, the quality of the instructors and teachers is of utmost importance. These individuals are responsible for imparting the knowledge and skills necessary to survive in the wilderness, often in high-stress situations.

The instructors and teachers at Military Wilderness Survival Training programs are typically highly trained and experienced individuals with backgrounds in military or special forces operations. They have a wealth of knowledge and experience in survival techniques, first aid, navigation, and other essential skills necessary for surviving in the wilderness.

In addition to their technical skills, instructors and teachers at Military Wilderness Survival Training programs are often known for their ability to motivate and inspire their students. They understand that survival in the wilderness is not just about technical skills, but also about mental toughness and resilience. They work hard to instill these qualities in their students, helping them to become confident and capable survivors.

Instructors and teachers at Military Wilderness Survival Training programs often have a variety of certifications and qualifications, including wilderness first responder, search and rescue, and survival instructor certifications. They are also highly skilled in a wide range of survival techniques, including shelter building, fire starting, water purification, and food procurement.

Overall, the instructors and teachers at Military Wilderness Survival Training programs are some of the most highly skilled and experienced individuals in the field of wilderness survival. They are dedicated to teaching their students the skills necessary to survive in even the most challenging of environments, and they do so with a friendly and supportive attitude that helps to ensure their students’ success.

Online Resources

Wilderness Survival Courses

When it comes to military wilderness survival training, there are many online resources available to help you learn and prepare. Here are some of the most useful resources:

Wilderness Survival Courses

There are many websites that offer online courses in wilderness survival. These courses can teach you everything from basic survival skills to advanced techniques for surviving in extreme conditions. One such course is the Essential Wilderness Survival Skills (EWSS) online course offered by Wilderness College [1]. This course covers core skills such as shelter, water, fire, and food, and allows you to participate at home and at your own pace.

Government and Military Courses

If you are a member of the military or a government agency, you may be able to take advantage of specialized wilderness survival training programs. These programs are designed to meet the unique needs of military and government personnel, and can provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to survive in a variety of situations. Lifesong Adventures [2] is one such organization that can work with you to create a custom wilderness survival training program to meet your unit’s field requirements, while also meeting your training budget.


The National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) [3] is a leading source of expedition-based wilderness education. NOLS offers a wide range of courses for military personnel, including courses in leadership, wilderness medicine, and outdoor skills. Many of these courses are designed specifically for military personnel and can help you develop the skills you need to be an effective leader in the wilderness.

U.S. School of Survival

The U.S. School of Survival [4] offers public and private survival and medical training programs at their facilities in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and the Sonoran Desert. These programs are designed to fully immerse you in a wilderness environment, where you can learn and apply the skills outlined below. Some of the skills covered include wilderness first responder training, survival skills, and medical training.

Overall, there are many online resources available to help you prepare for military wilderness survival training. Whether you are looking for online courses, specialized training programs, or outdoor education resources, there are many options to choose from. By taking advantage of these resources, you can develop the skills and knowledge you need to survive in even the most challenging wilderness environments.

[1] [2] [3] [4]

Wildlife Encounters

In the wilderness, you may come across various types of wildlife. While some encounters can be exciting, others can be dangerous. It is important to know how to handle different situations to stay safe.

Wildlife Encounters


Snakes are a common sight in the wilderness. While most snakes are harmless, some can be venomous and pose a threat to your safety. If you encounter a snake, stay calm and keep your distance. Do not attempt to touch or handle the snake, as this can provoke it.

Here are some tips to stay safe when encountering snakes:

  • Wear protective clothing, such as boots and long pants, to reduce the risk of being bitten.
  • Keep an eye out for snakes when walking in tall grass or near water sources.
  • If you see a snake, give it plenty of space to move away.
  • If you are bitten by a snake, seek medical attention immediately.

Remember, snakes are an important part of the ecosystem and should be respected. Avoid killing snakes unless it is absolutely necessary for your safety.

In conclusion, encountering wildlife in the wilderness can be both exciting and dangerous. Knowing how to handle different situations can help you stay safe and enjoy your wilderness experience.

About Adam Diggity

I'm Adam Diggity, a dedicated expert in survival, outdoor adventures, and bushcraft. With over 10 years of hands-on experience, I've mastered the art of navigating nature's challenges and am passionate about sharing my knowledge with fellow enthusiasts. My journey has taught me the intricacies of the wild, and I'm always eager to explore more. Contact me at for assistance.

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