Skills Needed to Survive in The Wilderness: A Comprehensive Guide for survival skills

Adam Diggity

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Skills Needed to Survive in The Wilderness

If you plan on venturing into the wilderness, having skills needed to survive in the wilderness is crucial. Being prepared and knowledgeable can mean the difference between life and death. While it is impossible to predict every scenario you may encounter, there are several essential survival skills that you can learn to increase your chances to survive.

Understanding the wilderness is the first step in preparing for any outdoor adventure. Knowing the area’s terrain, climate, and wildlife can help you anticipate potential dangers and prepare accordingly. Additionally, psychological preparedness is crucial for survival in the wilderness. Being mentally prepared for your challenges can help you stay calm and make rational decisions in high-pressure situations.

wilderness survival

To survive in the wilderness, you need essential survival skills such as building a shelter, creating fire, finding and purifying water, foraging and hunting for food, and first aid and health management. These skills will help you stay warm, hydrated, and fed while you await rescue or return to civilization. Navigation skills, survival tools, and essentials are also crucial if you get lost or stranded.

Understanding the Wilderness

understanding wilderness

Surviving in the wilderness requires a deep understanding of the environment around you. Nature is a vast and unforgiving place that can be beautiful and dangerous. It would help if you knew the terrain, weather patterns, and wildlife to stay safe and comfortable.

The environment in the wilderness can be unpredictable, so it’s essential to be prepared for anything. The weather can change quickly, and temperatures can drop rapidly at night. Packaging appropriate clothing and gear would help if you qualified for both hot and cold weather.

Being aware of your surroundings is a basic survival skill, and it’s essential when you’re in the wilderness,. Take note of landmarks and familiarize yourself with the terrain. This will help you navigate and find your way back if lost.
Wildlife is another factor to consider when you’re in the wilderness. You need to be aware of the animals in the area and how to avoid them. Some animals are dangerous and can threaten your safety. Knowing how to avoid encounters with wildlife and what to do if you encounter them is crucial.

In a wilderness survival situation, your mental attitude is as essential as your physical preparedness. You need to stay calm and focused to make rational decisions. Panic can lead to poor decision-making and can put your safety at risk.

In summary, understanding the wilderness is essential for surviving in the outdoors. You need to be prepared for the wilderness’s terrain, weather, wildlife, and mental challenges. Being aware of your surroundings and staying calm can increase your chances of staying safe and returning to civilization.

Psychological Preparedness

Psychological Preparedness

When surviving in the wilderness, your psychological preparedness can be just as important as your physical skills. Panic is a common reaction in a survival scenario, but it can be deadly. It would help to be mentally prepared to face life-and-death situations and make rational decisions.

One of the most critical aspects of psychological preparedness is having a positive attitude. If you get lost or find yourself in a survival situation, feeling overwhelmed and helpless is easy. However, maintaining a positive attitude can help you stay focused and motivated. Remember that you have the skills and knowledge to survive and will survive.

Another critical factor in psychological preparedness is being able to manage your emotions. Fear, anxiety, and stress can cloud your judgment and make thinking difficult. Stay calm and rational, and focus on the task at hand. Take deep breaths and try to relax your body. This can help you stay focused and make better decisions.

Finally, it’s essential to be mentally prepared for the possibility of getting lost. This can be a scary and disorienting experience, but it’s important to stay calm and think logically. Take stock of your surroundings and try to retrace your steps. If you can’t find your way back, focus on finding shelter, water, and food. Remember that getting lost doesn’t have to be a death sentence – with the right mindset and skills, you can survive even the most challenging situations.

In summary, psychological preparedness is crucial to surviving in the wilderness. Stay positive, manage your emotions, and be mentally prepared to get lost. With the right mindset and skills, you can overcome any challenge and make it out alive.

Skills Needed to Survive in The Wilderness

When venturing into the wilderness, it is essential to have survival skills that can help you survive in an emergency. Here are some basic survival skills that you need to know:


A shelter protects you from the elements and keeps you warm. You can build a shelter using natural materials such as branches, leaves, and bark. You can also use a tarp or a poncho to create a makeshift shelter.


Fire is essential for warmth, cooking, and signaling for help. You can start a fire using various techniques, such as a lighter, matches, or a fire starter. You can also create a fire using natural materials such as dry leaves, twigs, and bark.

shelter fire survival


Drinking water is essential for survival, and knowing how to find and purify water in the wilderness is crucial. You can find water in streams, rivers, and lakes. You can also collect rainwater or dew using a container. To purify water, you can use a water filter, boil the water, or use purification tablets.


Foraging for food in the wilderness is essential to keep you nourished. You can forage for wild plants, berries, and nuts. You can also hunt or fish for food. Knowing how to identify edible plants and animals and prepare them for consumption is crucial.

food water survival


Knowing how to navigate the wilderness is crucial to help you find your way back to civilization. You can use a map and a compass or natural navigation techniques such as sun, stars, and landmarks.


Signaling for help is essential in case of an emergency. You can use a whistle, a mirror, or a fire to signal for help. It is also crucial to know how to create and read distress signals.

navigate the wilderness


Staying hydrated is essential to keep you healthy and alert. It is crucial to drink enough water and electrolytes to prevent dehydration. To stay hydrated, you can also consume water-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables.

By mastering these essential survival skills, you can increase your chances of surviving in the wilderness in case of an emergency.

Building a Shelter for survival

survival shelter

When it comes to wilderness survival, building a shelter is one of the most important survival skills you need to master. A shelter provides protection from the elements, helps regulate body temperature, and can even boost morale. Here are some tips on how to build a shelter in the wilderness:

Find a Good Location

Before you start building your shelter, you need to find a good location. Look for a spot that is dry, flat, and not too close to a body of water. Avoid areas with falling rocks, dead limbs, or other hazards that could harm you. Choose a spot sheltered from the wind and has natural materials you can use for your shelter.

Choose Your Shelter Type

There are many different types of shelters you can build in the wilderness. Some popular options include:

  • Tarp shelter: A tarp shelter is quick and easy to set up. You only need a tarp, some cordage, and a few stakes. This type of shelter provides good protection from rain and wind.
  •  Emergency shelter: An emergency shelter is a simple shelter made from natural materials. It’s designed to be built quickly in an emergency situation. This type of shelter provides essential protection from the elements.
  •  Natural materials shelter: A natural materials shelter is a shelter made entirely from materials found in the wilderness. This shelter takes more time and effort but provides excellent protection from the elements.

Gather Materials

Once you’ve chosen your shelter type, it’s time to gather materials. If you’re building a tarp shelter, you’ll need a tarp, cordage, and stakes. If you’re building an emergency shelter or natural materials shelter, you’ll need to gather materials such as branches, leaves, and grass.

Gathering Wood

Build Your Shelter

Now it’s time to build your shelter. Follow the instructions for your chosen shelter type, and make any necessary adjustments based on the available materials. Remember to leave enough space inside your shelter for you to lie down comfortably.

Maintain Your Shelter

Once your shelter is built, it’s important to maintain it. Check it regularly for any damage or wear and tear, and make necessary repairs. If you’re using a tarp shelter, tighten the cordage periodically to keep the tarp taut.

Building a shelter is an essential skill for wilderness survival. You can stay safe and comfortable in the wilderness by choosing the right location, shelter type, and materials and correctly building and maintaining your shelter.

Fire Creation

When it comes to wilderness survival, knowing how to create a fire is one of the most important survival skills you can have. Fire can provide warmth, light, and a way to cook food. Here are some tips on how to create a fire in the wilderness:

Start a Fire

Fire Starters

If one fails, it’s always a good idea to carry multiple fire starters with you. Some popular fire starters include:

  • Matches: Make sure to store them in a waterproof container.
  •  Lighters: Choose a high-quality lighter that won’t fall in damp conditions.
  •  Ferrocerium Rod: This type of metal rod produces sparks when scraped with a rough surface, such as a knife blade.


Kindling is a small, dry, and easily combustible material to start a fire. Examples include dry leaves, twigs, and small branches. Make sure to gather enough kindling before starting your fire.

Building the Fire

Once you have your fire starters and kindling, it’s time to build the fire. Start by creating a small pit or ring to contain the fire. Place your kindling in the center of the hole and light your fire starter. As the kindling catches fire, gradually add larger pieces of wood.

Safety Precautions

Always follow safety precautions when creating a fire in the wilderness. Keep a bucket of water nearby if the fire gets out of control. Never leave a fire unattended, and make sure to fully extinguish the fire before leaving the area.

Following these tips, you can create a fire in the wilderness, stay warm, cook food, and signal for help.

Finding and Purifying Water

purifying water

One of the essential skills you need to survive in the wilderness is finding and purifying water. Without water, you can only survive for a few days, water is the essence of life, so knowing how to find and purify water sources is crucial.

Finding Water Sources

Finding a water source in the wilderness can be challenging, but several ways exist. Here are some tips to help you find water sources:

  • Look for signs of vegetation: Plants need water to survive, so if you see green foliage, there is likely water nearby.
  •  Follow animal tracks: Animals need water to survive, so if you see tracks, follow them to find a water source.
  •  Look for low-lying areas: Water flows downhill, so look for low-lying areas where water may collect.
  •  Listen for running water: If you hear running water, follow the sound to find the source.

Water Purification

Once you have found a water source, it is essential to purify the water before drinking it. Drinking contaminated water can make you sick, so it is crucial to purify the water to make it safe to drink.

boiling water

Here are some ways to purify water in the wilderness:

  • Boiling: Boiling water is the most effective way to kill bacteria and viruses in the water. Boil the water for at least one minute to make it safe to drink.
  •  Filtration: You can use a water filter to remove impurities. Look for a filter that can remove bacteria and viruses.
  •  Chemical treatment: You can use chemicals such as iodine or chlorine to purify the water. Follow the instructions on the package for the correct dosage.
  •  Solar disinfection: If you have a clear plastic bottle, you can fill it with water and leave it in the sun for at least six hours. The UV rays from the sun will kill the bacteria and viruses in the water.

Stagnant Water

Avoid drinking stagnant water as it may contain harmful bacteria and parasites. Look for running water or collect rainwater instead. If you have no other choice but to drink stagnant water, purify it first using one of the methods mentioned above.

Remember, staying hydrated is essential when you are in the wilderness. Always carry a water bottle with you and try to drink at least two liters of water a day. Knowing how to find and purify water sources can increase your chances of survival in the wilderness.

Foraging and Hunting for Food

When you are in the wilderness, finding food can be a challenge. However, with the right skills, you can forage and hunt for food to sustain yourself. Here are some tips to help you forage and hunt for food in the wilderness.

Foraging for Food

Foraging for Food

Foraging for food is finding and gathering food resources in the wild. When foraging, it is important to know what plants are safe to eat and which are poisonous. Only eat something if you know what it is, especially plants. If you can’t identify it, don’t eat it. You should carry a book to identify edible plants or take a course to learn about plants in your area.

Some common edible plants you can forage include berries, nuts, and wild greens. Some examples of common edible plants include:

  • Berries: blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries
  •  Nuts: acorns, hazelnuts, walnuts
  •  Wild greens: dandelion, chickweed, clover, lambs quarters

When foraging for food, being mindful of the environment is essential. Only take what you need; leave some for the animals and other foragers. Also, be careful not to damage the plants or the ecosystem.

Hunting for Food

Survival Hunting

Hunting for food is the act of pursuing and killing animals for food. When hunting, it is essential to know the laws and regulations in your area. It would help if you were also skilled in using bows, rifles, or traps.

Some common animals that you can hunt for food include deer, rabbits, squirrels, and birds. When hunting, it is essential to be patient and quiet. You should also be aware of your surroundings and be able to track animals.

Fishing and Trapping for Food

Survival Fishing

In addition to foraging and hunting, you can also fish and trap for food. Fishing is catching fish with a fishing rod, line, and bait. Trapping is setting traps to see rabbits, squirrels, or beavers.

When fishing or trapping, knowing the laws and regulations in your area is essential. It would help if you also were skilled in using fishing equipment or setting traps.

In conclusion, foraging and hunting for food can be a challenging but rewarding experience in the wilderness. With the right skills and knowledge, you can find and gather food.

First Aid and Health Management

When you are in the wilderness, it is important to be prepared for any injuries or health issues that may arise. Knowing basic first aid and health management skills can make a huge difference in your ability to survive and thrive in the wilderness.

first aid

Basic First Aid

Basic first aid knowledge can help you address injuries or illnesses in the wilderness. Some essential skills include:

  • CPR: Learn how to perform CPR in case of an emergency.
  •  Wound care: Know how to clean and dress a wound to prevent infection.
  •  Splinting: Learn how to properly splint a broken or injured limb to prevent further damage.
  •  Neck stabilization: Know how to stabilize a neck injury to prevent further damage.
  •  Tourniquet use: Learn how to apply a tourniquet to stop bleeding in case of a severe injury.

Wilderness First Aid

Wilderness first aid is a more advanced form of first aid that focuses on treating injuries and illnesses that occur in remote areas. It includes skills such as:

  • Assessment and treatment of hypothermia: Learn how to assess and treat hypothermia when your body loses heat faster than it can produce.
  •  Identifying and treating bacterial infections: Learn how to identify and treat bacterial infections in the wilderness.
  •  Identifying and treating giardia: Learn how to identify and treat giardia, a parasite that can cause diarrhea and other gastrointestinal issues.
  •  Identification and treatment of candida: Learn how to identify and treat candida, a fungal infection that can cause skin and nail problems.

Health Management

In addition to first aid skills, knowing how to manage your health in the wilderness is essential. Some tips include:

  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and prevent dehydration.
  •  Nutrition: Eat a balanced diet to ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs to function correctly.
  •  Sanitation: Practice good hygiene and sanitation to prevent the spread of bacteria and other harmful organisms.

By having a basic understanding of first aid and health management, you can be better prepared to handle any injuries or health issues in the wilderness.

Navigation Skills

When you’re in the wilderness, knowing how to navigate is crucial. You need to be able to find your way to safety, even if you don’t have a GPS or other electronic device. Here are some important navigation skills to help you stay on course:

survival navigation

Know How to Read a Map

The first step in navigating is to be able to read a map. You should know how to orient the map using a compass, locate your position on the map, and determine the magnetic azimuth to an unknown position. You should also be able to convert the magnetic azimuth to a grid azimuth.

Recognize Landmarks

Landmarks can be incredibly helpful in navigation. You should be able to recognize familiar landmarks, such as mountains, rivers, and valleys, and use them to orient yourself on a map. You can also use natural features, such as the sun’s position, to help you navigate.

Avoid Getting Lost

Getting lost in the wilderness can be dangerous, but you can take steps to avoid it. Always carry a map and compass, and ensure you know how to use them. You should also stay on established trails whenever possible and avoid shortcuts through unfamiliar terrain.

survival compass


Navigating the wilderness can be challenging, but with the right skills and knowledge, you can stay on course and find your way to safety. Remember always to carry a map and compass, recognize landmarks, and avoid getting lost.

Survival Tools and Essentials

When it comes to surviving in the wilderness, having the right tools and essentials can make all the difference. Here are some items that you should consider packing in your backpack before heading out:


A good quality knife is an essential tool for any wilderness survival kit. It can be used for various tasks, such as cutting rope, preparing food, and building shelter. Look for a knife that is durable, sharp, and easy to handle.


Your backpack is your lifeline in the wilderness, so choosing one that is comfortable, durable, and has enough space to carry all your essentials is necessary. Look for a backpack with multiple compartments, padded straps, and a sturdy frame.

Survival Tools


A headlamp is a must-have item for any wilderness survival kit. It allows you to navigate the dark, work hands-free, and signal for help. Look for a headlamp with long battery life, multiple brightness settings, and a comfortable headband.


Paracord is a versatile tool that can be used for various tasks in the wilderness, such as building shelter, securing gear, and making traps. Look for a high-quality paracord that is strong, durable, and easy to handle.

Matches/Fire Starters

Starting a fire is essential for survival in the wilderness, providing warmth, light, and a way to cook food. Pack matches or fire starters in a waterproof container to stay dry in case of rain.

Emergency Blanket

An emergency blanket is a lightweight and compact tool that can be used to provide warmth and shelter in case of an emergency. Look for a durable, waterproof blanket that reflects body heat.

Duct Tape

Duct tape is a versatile tool that can be used for various tasks in the wilderness, such as repairing gear, building shelters, and making traps. Look for high-quality duct tape that is strong, durable, and easy to tear.

Bug Out Bag

A bug-out bag is a pre-packed bag that contains all of the essentials you need to survive in case of an emergency. Look for a durable, waterproof bag with multiple compartments to keep your gear organized.

By packing these essential tools and items, you’ll be better prepared to handle any situation in the wilderness.

Dealing with Predators and Insects

You share the space with various animals, including predators, when you’re out in the wilderness. Knowing how to deal with them can make all the difference in ensuring your safety, and it is one of the most important survival skills you need to learn.

insects wilderness


The first rule of dealing with predators is to avoid them. This means staying alert and keeping an eye out for signs of their presence, such as tracks, scat, or fresh kills. If you encounter a predator, remain calm and make yourself look bigger by spreading your arms and standing on your tiptoes. Back away slowly and avoid turning your back on the animal.

If the predator is a bear, knowing the difference between a defensive and an aggressive bear is essential. A defensive bear is protecting its cubs or food and will typically make a lot of noise and charge at you before stopping short. In this case, back away slowly and try to distance yourself and the bear as much as possible. On the other hand, an aggressive bear is attacking you because it sees you as prey. In this case, you should fight back with everything you have.


Insects can be a nuisance in the wilderness but can also be dangerous. Mosquitoes and ticks, for example, can carry diseases such as West Nile virus and Lyme disease. To protect yourself from insects, wear long-sleeved clothing, use insect repellent, and avoid areas where insects are likely present, such as stagnant water.

If you get bitten or stung by an insect, knowing how to treat the wound is essential. For bee stings, remove the stinger if it’s still in the skin and apply ice to reduce swelling. For tick bites, use tweezers to remove the tick and clean the area with soap and water. If you develop symptoms such as fever or a rash, seek medical attention immediately.


Camouflage can be a valuable tool in the wilderness, especially when avoiding predators. However, it’s essential to know how to use it properly. The key is to blend in with your surroundings without standing out too much. This means choosing clothing and gear that matches the colors and patterns of your environment.

Regarding camouflage, it’s also important to remember that it’s not foolproof. Predators have keen senses and may still be able to detect you even if you’re wearing camouflage. The best defense is to stay alert and avoid areas where predators are likely present.

Outdoor Activities and survival Preparation

Preparation is vital for outdoor activities like hiking, backpacking, or other sports to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Whether you’re a seasoned backpacker or a newbie, preparing for your trip is essential. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your outdoor adventure:

outdoor activities

Plan your route

Before you hit the trail:

  1. Plan your route.
  2. Research the area and ensure you know the terrain, weather conditions, and potential hazards.
  3. Check the local weather forecast and pack accordingly.
  4. Ensure you have a map and compass and learn how to use them. You can also use GPS devices or smartphone apps to help you navigate.

Pack the essentials

When packing for your trip, make sure you have all the essentials. This includes a first aid kit, food, water, a water filtration system, a headlamp or flashlight, extra batteries, a multi-tool, and a whistle. If you’re backpacking, ensure you have a backpack that fits well and is comfortable. You can also use a packing list to ensure you remember everything necessary.

Learn survival skills

It’s always a good idea to learn some basic survival skills. You can take a course or watch online tutorials from experts. Some essential skills include building a shelter, starting a fire, finding and purifying water, and signaling for help. Knowing these skills can make all the difference in an emergency situation.

Be prepared for SHTF Scenarios

It’s important to be prepared for SHTF (Shit Hits The Fan) scenarios in extreme situations. This means having a bug-out bag or emergency kit ready to go. Your kit should include food, water, shelter, and medical supplies. You can also include a radio, extra batteries, a solar charger, and a firearm if you’re trained to use one.

Leave no trace

Finally, leaving no trace is essential when you’re out in nature. This means packing all your trash and leaving the environment as you found it. Avoid damaging plants and trees, and stay on designated trails to minimize environmental impact.

Following these tips can make you confident and knowledgeable in your outdoor activities preparation. With the proper preparation, you can enjoy your adventure without any worries.

cleaning nature


In conclusion, the wilderness requires specific survival skills to be learned and practiced. By understanding the essentials of wilderness survival, you can prepare for any survival scenario.

Some essential wilderness survival skills include building shelter, finding and purifying water, starting a fire, and foraging for food. Additionally, first aid skills and the ability to signal for help are crucial in any survival situation.

Remember that preparation is vital when it comes to wilderness survival. Before embarking on any wilderness adventure, have the necessary gear and supplies. It is also essential to have a plan in case of an emergency.

Developing your wilderness survival skills can increase your chances of surviving in the wilderness. With knowledge and preparation, you can confidently navigate any survival scenario that comes your way.

About Adam Diggity

I'm Adam Diggity, a dedicated expert in survival, outdoor adventures, and bushcraft. With over 10 years of hands-on experience, I've mastered the art of navigating nature's challenges and am passionate about sharing my knowledge with fellow enthusiasts. My journey has taught me the intricacies of the wild, and I'm always eager to explore more. Contact me at for assistance.

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